The art of Bacon.
Vi har lite assignments som ska in idag. En av dessa har vi fått endast för att vi ska lära oss att referera rätt i text. "Skriv om vad du vill på 200 ord och använd dig av minst 3 referencer". Jag valde att skriva om något jag älskar.
"When you hear the bacon sizzle in the pan, you know that art is taking place. This art started in China 1500 B.C. The chinese people where the first ones to salt and preserve pork belly. For this, we salute them. For today I believe bacon is close at heart for all meat lovers in the world. We share this love with both Aesop, the fabulist in greece in 550 B.C., and the very first Queen Elizabeth of England who called it 'Bakoun'. We, the European people, where also the ones who brought the method of making bacon over to America, which I believe they are very grateful for. (Villas, 2007, p.2.)
Today, you can find bacon all over europe and whether it is healthy or not is a big discussion. Now the experts have even found that it might not only be harmful for your waste line but also for a mans sperm. (Rheana Murray, 2013) I believe this will be a hard decision for most men. To choose between the love of food or the love of your family is always hard.
Because it is love. “Bacon is the vegetable of the Gods (…) we recognize that the love for bacon runs deep in all of us” (About Republic of Bacon, no date) Bacon is art, art close to the heart. "
Och så var min lilla paragraf klar. ( och ja, i själva uppgiften gjorde jag en referenslista i slutet ) Jag tackar min storasyster för den fantastiska baconbok jag har här hemma. Jag tyckte att uppgiften var skit men jag fick den gjord iallafall. Nu ska jag gå och steka bacon. KRAM!
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