Good morning England
Waking up in a new town and to a new culture is always fun and Oh! have I missed the English ways of living!! Here in England there is everything you need in big BIG stores that are open 24/7 which is amazing after living in Chamonix because there you never know if the store is going to be open or not, even if it says on the door that it should be. So, after kissing Benjamin like crazy for some time at the aiport we took off from Manchester to one of these big stores in Blackpool. I got everything that I've really missed while living in France such as
Mayonnais (the ones in France are disgusting because they all taste of Dijon mustard!!),
Roast beef noodles,
Lactose free milk (the ones in France taste like whipped cream!),
Chips (Yes, they have that in France but I need it everyday to function normally!),
Dip (this goes with the chips, very necessary!),
Raspberry donuts (for only 65 pence, incredible!),
English soups,
BACON, BACON, BACON, BACON and evern more stuff.
After that visit we drove home to the big, very brittish, house where Benjamins family lives and I ate a little bit of everything that we bought. AMAZING! but.. I had a really bad headache that started in the car somewhere between Chamonix and Geneva so I had paracetamol and then just crashed in bed. Today I still have a bit of a headache... It's been a tough week.
Today I'm not fucking moving. I am just going to sit in this wonderful big empty house by myself, eat tomatosoup and prepare myself for the life in Dublin.
Say Something
er far
Head ache? Air pollution?